If you are looking for a delicious and cooling treat in this heat, we can recommend the best little treasure for gelato in Lagos.
Crema di Gelato is owned and run by Italians, who take pride in producing the tastiest gelato, the way it should be done. Each day they produce a range of amazing flavors, using seasonal fruits and fresh ingredients. You will find flavors you have never tried before, including Baileys (alcoholic), Biscoito, Smurf, Kinder Bueno, Apple & cinnamon, Caipirinha, watermelon, plus many sorbets, frozen yogurt and fat free options. See Crema di gelato facebook page to be impressed.
The fantastic variety doesn´t stop with the flavours… There is also a variety of waffle cones with chocolate coating and nuts, to make the most extravagant gelato treat! As well as gelato scoops, they also make banana splits and other gelato bowls with cream, chocolate topping, nuts and sauces – pure heavan!
You can find them in two locations. One in the centre at Rua Marreiros Neto 17 (see on a map here) and also at the marina, where you can enjoy your gelato while soaking up the sun and overlooking the boats! At the marina they also serve breakfasts, coffee, pastries, smoothies and other goodies.
As part of the Goodtimes Lagos Competition, you can win 2 banana splits (or gelato bowls of your choice). This is one of the many prizes within the huge package of experiences that one person will win, just by liking Gooditmes Lagos on facebook! So easy!
See more about Crema di Gelato >
See more about the Goodtimes Lagos competition >
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