The 5 most Instagrammable Places in Lagos

A sunrise over a beautiful lagos beach with grotto rock forms

Lagos is home to some of the most breath taking sights you will ever see. Its an instagramers dream. The enchanting Ponta da Piedade, crystal turquoise waters, amazing beaches, azulejo tiled houses and more. Don’t miss any of these perfect shots in Lagos.

Here is your cheat sheet with locations, of the most instagrammable places in Lagos:


1. Ponta da Piedade:

#pontadapiedade  |  On Google maps

Grotto rock forms and clear turquoise waters

Image Credits @tanasuk_photographer | @joanavaz_ | @pedrograophotography

With its dramatic cliffs, turquoise waters, and intricate rock formations, Ponta da Piedade is a photographer’s paradise. Capture stunning shots from above on the scenic viewpoints or take a kayak tour or boat trip for a unique perspective from the water.


2. Praia do Camilo:

#praiadocamilo  | On Google maps

Image credits: @dgsc | @super_algarve | @giadal8

For this iconic shot, head to Praia do Camilo. Climb down the wooden staircase for the perfect shot of the golden sands and azure sea framed by rugged rock formations. You´ll have to head there early to get a clear beach, but during the day its also beautiful with vibrant turquoise waters.


3. Lagos Old Town – the green tiled house

#lagosoldtown | on Google maps

A beautiful old Portuguese Building covered in green tiles

Image credits: @the.esslingers | @queenafashionstyle | @cheban_katya

This iconic green tiled house can be found on one of the central town plazas, exactly here. In the Spring (April to June) the neighbouring Jacaranda trees are blooming with vibrant purple flowers. The contrasting colours of purple and green is magnificent, and instagram worthy.


4. Praia dos Estudantes

#praiadosestudantes  | on Google maps

Unique stone archway over the sea, connecting two grotto cliffs

Image credits: @yolandauchiha | @beachlifevegan | @vera_fferreira 

This is a bit of a secret, locals tip. Despite being right next to the main town beach, Praia da Batata, its like a treasure hunt to find. You can either pass through a tunnel in the rocks at the end of Praia do Batata. Or head to the Restaurant overlooking that beach, then down the stairway to the right, at the front of the restaurant.


5. Lagos Street Art

#streetartlagoson Google maps

Full wall painted with an azulejo style street artwork

Image credits: @sousacines | @bartels582 | @csilyanga

Lagos has become home to a lot of high quality street art in recent years. While it is scattered all around the town, if you walk from the top to the bottom of Lançarote de Freitas Street, you will see some of the most noteworthy walls. Stand on the corner of JahShaka Surf shop, and look in any direction to see big wall murals.

On that street, opposite The Tavern Bar, you will also find the amazing purple-flowered Bouganville, which arches over the street. Another instagram-worthy shot.


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