Slave Market

Mercado de Escravos

Entry 1.50–3€
Lagos Centre

Lagos´ slave market, built in 1444, was Europe’s first slave market! It was here during the 15th century where the first slaves, captured and transported from Africa, were sold. Many Africans were dispersed throughout Europe, bringing a considerable income to the Portuguese monarchy and merchant classes, as well as a cheap labour force. As the major sponsor of these expeditions, Prince Henry the Navigator (who´s statue appears on the plaza) received one fifth of the selling price of the slaves. The demand for the indentured labour force was so high that, by 1450, profit on Mauritanian slaves was 700 percent. The building now holds a museum with ancient findings.
On a wall of the building there is a stone dating from the 17th century.


Entry to the museum is 1.50€ reduced, or 3€ normal


Open daily in Summer. In winter times vary.


Slave Market Museum
Praça do Infante Dom Henrique (Plaza with the big water feature, on the main Avenida)


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Slave Market Museum

Praça do Infante Dom Henrique, Lagos Portugal

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